Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is my challenge to you (however many of you read this little blog):

Take a gander at your calendar or planner and for each day set up an "appointment" to sit and listen to God. I heard Mike Bickle say that if you schedule it on your planner, then you will follow-through with the "appointment" 80% of the time. I don't know about you, but 80% sounds better than 3-5% (or 0%)...

I have been doing this lately (ie. the past week) and it has been really good. The Lord is faithful and He is trustworthy. He will honor your diligence and speak to your heart. But I pray that it doesn't turn into a religious thing and that it doesn't turn into an "i have to..." chore. Those thoughts are from the enemy. Rebuke them as soon as they come into your mind...

During some of these times, really try to quiet your mind and your heart and listen. When you are in the Word, ask Jesus to open the Scriptures to you and speak through the written Word. You don't need a commentary on each and every book in the Bible. Instead, before you start reading, just pray that the Lord would speak to you through the Scriptures and show you new things concerning His heart. He likes that prayer...

Try it out. Even if it is for just a week and let me know how it went and if the Lord spoke to you...

Grace and peace

1 comment:

ManUtd17 said...

Great idea. I need to do that.