Isaiah 52:13-15
"See, my servant (Jesus) will act wisely; He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted. Just as there were many who were appalled at Him - His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and His form marred beyond human likeness - so will He sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of Him. For what they were told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand."
Isaiah 53
"He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed...and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth..For He was cut off form the land of the living; for the transgression of my people He was stricken. He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death, though He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth.
Yet it was the Lord's will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer, and though the Lord makes His life a guilt offering, He will see His offspring and prolong His days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in His hand. After the suffering of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied; by His knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and He will hear their iniquities. Therefore, I will give Him a portion among the great, and He will divide the spoils with the strong, because He poured out His life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."
So tonight I thought about Jesus undergoing the "suffering of His soul" and I am now undone. Scenes from the Passion of the Christ gripped my heart and I wept. I wept because a man who knew no sin became sin on MY behalf, so that I could become the righteousness of God. Jesus bore the wrath of God instead of me; me who totally deserves to be stricken and smitten by God because I am the worst of sinners and I have fallen short of the glory of God. Before His flesh was ripped open, before a crown of thorns was placed on His head, before the nails were driven into His hands and feet, before blood dripped from every inch of His body, before He was lifted high on a cross to endure THE most painful and excruciating death known to man, Jesus thought of me. Jesus withstood all of that...for me....and for you. I am undone. A good heaviness overwhelmed me and my heart rate rose as images of the perfect light of the world was silent before His torturers. And what for? He desperately wants to be with me and He desperately wants me to be with Him and His Father. I am undone.
From the fall of man in the Garden of Eden we see the story of God's redemption being played out. There has to be sacrifice and shedding of blood for forgiveness. But, no more bulls and no more lambs...Jesus' ultimate and perfect sacrifice tore down the veils and made a way for me to enter the Holy Place. He did it once and for all and will not do it again. I am undone. He suffered and died...for me...and for you.
Before the truly despicable and horrendous acts were done to Him, Jesus said to His Father, "I am Your servant, my heart is ready...not my will, but Your will be done." Wow, His heart was ready. His heart is for you Beloved! His desire is to be married to you; forever betrothed to you! I am undone.
Hebrews 12:2
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
I find it one of the most difficult things to comprehend; that there was joy in Jesus' heart as He endured so much pain and so much suffering. The joy was in Him paying the way for our eternal pleasures, which are at His right hand. His joy was in the justification of us all who would believe. His joy was an eternal marriage. His joy was me. His joy was you.
So let us remember Him; let us remember the cross. The cross is where we find everything we will ever need or, joy, peace, comfort, freedom, deliverance, healing, our very life. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and on the cross. I want to be found hidden behind that rugged cross.
I am undone.
Grace and peace.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Must Read, Trust Me
In today’s world, especially in the Western world, a massive strategy of the enemy that keeps us in torment, in sickness and affliction is the mirror we look in. We come into agreement with the lies of the enemy in front of the mirrors in our bedroom and our bathrooms. We build altars to devils and come into agreement with the evil one.
You see, the enemy hates us because we are made in the likeness of God. There is no other creature that Jesus Christ joined Himself to forever. There is no other creature in heaven or on earth that is like you.
A 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God and He did nothing. However, 100% of humanity rebelled and God said, “No! Not my prized creation!” Not the ones He fearfully and wonderfully made. “No! I’m going after them!” He joined Himself to us in a human body forever, Beloved. In Isaiah 53 it says that Jesus had no beauty at all, that nothing about Him would catch our eye. He was just like us. The enemy hates our physical frame.
Most people believe God wants to save your soul but very few of us believe He loves your body. We begin to hate and despise ourselves by saying; “I hate this or that about my body.” This is too big or that is too small, or I wish I didn’t have this quality or that quality. In James 3 it says that with the same mouth we praise God we curse ourselves and we judge ourselves. By doing so, we build altars to the devil and allow him entry to torment and to inflict sickness. The Lord does NOT want us to open ground for the enemy to bring depression, anger, self-hatred, cutting, starving ourselves, throwing up, sickness, etc.
A majority of people, especially Believers, lives with the torment of what our future spouse is going to think about our body. For those of you who are married, you live in torment about what you think your spouse thinks about your body. If your spouse thinks anything different than what the King of the Universe thinks, then they are idiots! Your spouse is going to love you one day!
In Isaiah 62 verses 6-7, the Lord is releasing night and day prayer. However, prior to that, He releases a voice and a declaration over His people; He declares over us a NEW NAME:
- Hephzibah – The Lord delights in you. This includes your soul and your body. BUT, with your mouth you curse yourself who is made in HIS likeness
- Beulah – He’s married to you. You are fit to be married to the King of kings, the King of the Universe, but you are wondering what your spouse thinks or will think about you.
Beloved, you were made to be filled with His glory and not any foul thoughts. If we are to live in freedom, we must tear down the altars in our bedrooms and bathrooms. You must never worship another demon at a toilet again by throwing up!! Do not build an altar there. You must never come into agreement with a demonic thought again, but instead come into agreement with what the Lord thinks about you. You are beautiful, you are fit for a King, you are Hephzibah and you are Beulah!
I imagine some of you have sickness or infirmity in your body because of this issue. When you get set free from self-hatred, your body will be healed. When you come into agreement that you are lovely to Him, physical healing will occur.
God did not join Himself to angels, but to you. You are the aristocracy of the Kingdom to come Beloved! You will reign with Christ forever. You are co-heirs with Him, and you are co-heirs with Him in your body and your spirit. Do you realize what is to come? You are destined for resurrected bodies!
The enemy hates your body, no matter the body type. Some want to look like the skinny supermodels, but you know what, they are probably some of the most tormented people out there. He hates your body. Why do you think FOUL spirits want to come and possess or oppress a human body? He doesn’t care if you are skinny, overweight, have a big this or small that! The enemy hates you.
Now I do not have kids, but just imagine a father’s heart and thoughts when his son or daughter says they hate something about themselves. An earthly father’s heart is broken when they hear these words because he took part in making them. Imagine the Heavenly Father’s, the One who knitted you together in your mother’s womb, sorrow when His son or daughter looks in the mirror in self-hatred.
An earthly father cannot get into his children’s heads, but God can. He can get into your head and He will speak Hephzibah and Beulah over you, and you will stop listening to the demonic thoughts inside your head.
Today He is raising up a worship and prayer movement. We will worship Him in purity, not worrying about what the guy or girl next to us thinks about our bodies. We will worship Him in the truth of who we are to Him.
Beloved, tear down the altars and hear the voice of the Father and Son in your head. Tear down those idols; burn those mirrors (not literally unless you want to!)! You may want to write "Hephzibah" and "Beulah" on your mirrors to remind you of how the Lord feels about you. You are lovely just the way you are. He has your future, trust Him and trust His leadership. Do not worry about what your spouse thinks or will think. He delights in you; you are beautiful to Him. Oh if you only knew what He thought!! You are Hephzibah! You are Beulah! You are fit for a King and He is going to join Himself to you forever!
Grace and peace.
*Reference: Allen Hood
You see, the enemy hates us because we are made in the likeness of God. There is no other creature that Jesus Christ joined Himself to forever. There is no other creature in heaven or on earth that is like you.
A 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God and He did nothing. However, 100% of humanity rebelled and God said, “No! Not my prized creation!” Not the ones He fearfully and wonderfully made. “No! I’m going after them!” He joined Himself to us in a human body forever, Beloved. In Isaiah 53 it says that Jesus had no beauty at all, that nothing about Him would catch our eye. He was just like us. The enemy hates our physical frame.
Most people believe God wants to save your soul but very few of us believe He loves your body. We begin to hate and despise ourselves by saying; “I hate this or that about my body.” This is too big or that is too small, or I wish I didn’t have this quality or that quality. In James 3 it says that with the same mouth we praise God we curse ourselves and we judge ourselves. By doing so, we build altars to the devil and allow him entry to torment and to inflict sickness. The Lord does NOT want us to open ground for the enemy to bring depression, anger, self-hatred, cutting, starving ourselves, throwing up, sickness, etc.
A majority of people, especially Believers, lives with the torment of what our future spouse is going to think about our body. For those of you who are married, you live in torment about what you think your spouse thinks about your body. If your spouse thinks anything different than what the King of the Universe thinks, then they are idiots! Your spouse is going to love you one day!
In Isaiah 62 verses 6-7, the Lord is releasing night and day prayer. However, prior to that, He releases a voice and a declaration over His people; He declares over us a NEW NAME:
- Hephzibah – The Lord delights in you. This includes your soul and your body. BUT, with your mouth you curse yourself who is made in HIS likeness
- Beulah – He’s married to you. You are fit to be married to the King of kings, the King of the Universe, but you are wondering what your spouse thinks or will think about you.
Beloved, you were made to be filled with His glory and not any foul thoughts. If we are to live in freedom, we must tear down the altars in our bedrooms and bathrooms. You must never worship another demon at a toilet again by throwing up!! Do not build an altar there. You must never come into agreement with a demonic thought again, but instead come into agreement with what the Lord thinks about you. You are beautiful, you are fit for a King, you are Hephzibah and you are Beulah!
I imagine some of you have sickness or infirmity in your body because of this issue. When you get set free from self-hatred, your body will be healed. When you come into agreement that you are lovely to Him, physical healing will occur.
God did not join Himself to angels, but to you. You are the aristocracy of the Kingdom to come Beloved! You will reign with Christ forever. You are co-heirs with Him, and you are co-heirs with Him in your body and your spirit. Do you realize what is to come? You are destined for resurrected bodies!
The enemy hates your body, no matter the body type. Some want to look like the skinny supermodels, but you know what, they are probably some of the most tormented people out there. He hates your body. Why do you think FOUL spirits want to come and possess or oppress a human body? He doesn’t care if you are skinny, overweight, have a big this or small that! The enemy hates you.
Now I do not have kids, but just imagine a father’s heart and thoughts when his son or daughter says they hate something about themselves. An earthly father’s heart is broken when they hear these words because he took part in making them. Imagine the Heavenly Father’s, the One who knitted you together in your mother’s womb, sorrow when His son or daughter looks in the mirror in self-hatred.
An earthly father cannot get into his children’s heads, but God can. He can get into your head and He will speak Hephzibah and Beulah over you, and you will stop listening to the demonic thoughts inside your head.
Today He is raising up a worship and prayer movement. We will worship Him in purity, not worrying about what the guy or girl next to us thinks about our bodies. We will worship Him in the truth of who we are to Him.
Beloved, tear down the altars and hear the voice of the Father and Son in your head. Tear down those idols; burn those mirrors (not literally unless you want to!)! You may want to write "Hephzibah" and "Beulah" on your mirrors to remind you of how the Lord feels about you. You are lovely just the way you are. He has your future, trust Him and trust His leadership. Do not worry about what your spouse thinks or will think. He delights in you; you are beautiful to Him. Oh if you only knew what He thought!! You are Hephzibah! You are Beulah! You are fit for a King and He is going to join Himself to you forever!
Grace and peace.
*Reference: Allen Hood
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What I'm listening to...
I just wanted to write a post about what worship artists/bands/etc I'm listening to now. I will give you my top ten and they are in no particular order...they are all #1 to me. And I must say that these are all "must-haves"!
Ok, so here it goes...
1) United Pursuit Band - They are a worship team out of Knoxville, Tenn and they are incredible. I strongly encourage everyone to check out their stuff.
2) Christian Lewis - IHOP - Atlanta worship leader. I've had his cd on repeat for a long time now...
3) Cory Asbury - IHOP Kansas City worship leader = so good
4) Matt Gilman - Another IHOP KC worship leader. And also his stuff = so good
5) Bethel Live - This is a live worship cd from Bethel Church out in Redding, California. Amazing.
6) Hillsong/Hillsong United - You CANNOT go wrong with any of their cds. I just saw United at the Passion 2010 Conference and I was overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. Kind of made me want to up and move to Sydney, Australia! Seriously...
7) Jesus Culture - Another worship group out of Bethel Church in California. They have 4 cds out and each one is anointed. Worship leaders are Kim Walker Smith, Chris Quilala and Melissa Wise How.
8) Jake Hamilton - Woah! Man is he anointed!! I get so fired up listening to his stuff...
9) Johnathan David Helser - I've been listening to his cd "The Reward" lately and I'm loving it. The prophetic anointing on his songs is incredible! The song "You're Never Giving Up" has become one of my new fav's...
10) Phil Wickham - Enough said...
Ok, I'm going to add a few more because each one of these worship leaders/groups are inspiring and encouraging me to new heights and spurring me to new levels in worship leading...
11) Daniel Bashta - The past year of having him as our church's worship leader has been instrumental for my walk with the Lord and cultivating the worship heart inside me. His full-length cd should be out in the spring...
12) Tim Hughes - In a way he is a worship leader mentor of mine. He has his finger on the pulse of the worship movement the Lord is raising up all over the world. The worship leader training conference I went to a few years ago still resonates in my spirit!
I realize there are so many more worship leaders/artists out I would love to hear who is influencing and moving your hearts right now. Please respond with their names so I can check them out!
Grace and peace.
Ok, so here it goes...
1) United Pursuit Band - They are a worship team out of Knoxville, Tenn and they are incredible. I strongly encourage everyone to check out their stuff.
2) Christian Lewis - IHOP - Atlanta worship leader. I've had his cd on repeat for a long time now...
3) Cory Asbury - IHOP Kansas City worship leader = so good
4) Matt Gilman - Another IHOP KC worship leader. And also his stuff = so good
5) Bethel Live - This is a live worship cd from Bethel Church out in Redding, California. Amazing.
6) Hillsong/Hillsong United - You CANNOT go wrong with any of their cds. I just saw United at the Passion 2010 Conference and I was overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. Kind of made me want to up and move to Sydney, Australia! Seriously...
7) Jesus Culture - Another worship group out of Bethel Church in California. They have 4 cds out and each one is anointed. Worship leaders are Kim Walker Smith, Chris Quilala and Melissa Wise How.
8) Jake Hamilton - Woah! Man is he anointed!! I get so fired up listening to his stuff...
9) Johnathan David Helser - I've been listening to his cd "The Reward" lately and I'm loving it. The prophetic anointing on his songs is incredible! The song "You're Never Giving Up" has become one of my new fav's...
10) Phil Wickham - Enough said...
Ok, I'm going to add a few more because each one of these worship leaders/groups are inspiring and encouraging me to new heights and spurring me to new levels in worship leading...
11) Daniel Bashta - The past year of having him as our church's worship leader has been instrumental for my walk with the Lord and cultivating the worship heart inside me. His full-length cd should be out in the spring...
12) Tim Hughes - In a way he is a worship leader mentor of mine. He has his finger on the pulse of the worship movement the Lord is raising up all over the world. The worship leader training conference I went to a few years ago still resonates in my spirit!
I realize there are so many more worship leaders/artists out I would love to hear who is influencing and moving your hearts right now. Please respond with their names so I can check them out!
Grace and peace.
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