Just wanted to take a quick minute and put in a plug for one of the greatest up-and-coming worship bands to come out of Athens and Marietta, The Fourth Man (ref. Daniel 3). I am being a little fecicious when saying "the greatest" but I do think we are pretty good. The band consists of myself on drums, Tate Welling and Elliott DeJarnett playing acoustic guitar and leading, Caroline Darnell singing, Harrison DeJarnett playing base, Aaron Biddle playing electric guitar, guy named Kyle playing keys (sorry forgot his last name) and either Jason Laiche or Aaron Vickroy on percussion. We are playing every weekend through March and are actually going to have T-shirts to sell (see picture - the design is similar to the one below but the fourth man on the shirt will be filled in with yellow -- shirts will be in "pacific blue" and "kelly green"). We've also written about 5 songs and hopefully will have a demo CD out soon. If anybody wants a shirt, just let me know what color and size. They will probably be around $12.
Sorry for the short blog. More insightful one to follow soon. But I will take the time now to thank my 2 friends that have posted comments to my blog (LARK and Bekah)! Whereas this blogging thing (or bling) isn't about or rest on the number of people who write me comments (otherwise I would have stopped a while ago), but it's always nice to have someone say they appreciate what I write and that they enjoy reading it. This isn't an attempt to coerce people into writing me comments. I'm just saying...
Grace and peace.
1 comment:
Band? I didn't know you were playing with those guys. Keep up the worship and I'll take a CD when they come in. Enjoyed the golf. Nice tee ball!
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